
Help, Access and site map

Access for those with disabilities

Except for some 'maintenance' pages not accessible by users, all pages contain a standard multi-button horizontal menu at the head of the page. This menu is the same on every page in which it appears; this is to help those who have difficulty navigating from page to page. Selecting a main menu item either navigates directly to a target page (Contact, for example, takes you directly to the Contact Us page) or, where there are several further target pages, drop-down menus appear. Main menu items and drop-down menu items change (invert) colour when the user's mouse hovers over them to help those with visual impairments. All this is easier to try than to explain - please experiment and see for yourself!

Almost all body text is black on white. In the few instances where it isn't (in tables such as the site-map below, where successive rows are colour contrasted to make reading easier), the text-to-background colour and brightness contrast has been selected so as to be visible to those who have difficulty discriminating between colours. And apart from text within graphics, all main body text is resizable using your browser's View / Text Size feature. This is to assist those who have difficulty reading the standard print size (which is roughly 10 point - 0.7 em).

Graphics - including menu graphics - have alternative descriptive tags ('Alt attributes') which are readable by the text-to-voice readers used by those with visual impairments.

In the footer of most pages there is a link to this 'Help, Accessibility and Site-map' page and also to the 'Search this site' page which allows the site to be seached in Google style which should be familiar to most users.

Trade advertisements

If you wish to place a commercial advertisement, please have a look at our Advertising possibilities and rate card and then send your requirements to 'Display Adverts' via the Contact Us email form.

Problems and suggestions

If you wish to report problems with this website or have difficulty using it or would like to suggest an enhancement, please email 'This website' from the Contact Us email form. If you cannot use the Contact Us email form successfully to do this, please contact the Hunt Secretary in the first instance.


This site has been validated to conform to the XHTML 1.0 Transitional industry standard. This means that it should not suddenly stop working when new versions of browsers are introduced. And all reasonable steps have been taken to make the site also conform to the W3G Web Accessibility initiative (WCAG 2.0) levels 1 and 2 with the exception that accessibility keys for menu items are not currently provided.


Page title



Site introduction, with links to other related websites and the Breaking News ('stop press') column

Coming Events

Coming events calendar


Hedgelaying competition

Small Adverts

Small adverts - typically private For Sale items

QHSA shop

QH merchandise for sale

QH People

Masters and officials of the QH

QH subscriptions

Current subscription and cap rates

Hunting country

A satellite map which can be zoomed in and out and dragged in any direction and and has markers, descriptions and photos for coverts, the Kennels, meet venues and so on

QHSA introduction

Introduction to the Supporters' Club

QHSA people

Who's who in the QHSA


QH branch of the Pony Club

Contact Us

Names and addresses of main contacts, and an email form to contact them

Help, access and site map

This page...


Allows the site to be searched in familiar Google style


Details of how to advertise here and of our trade advertising rates.


How to use the various newsfeeds: Twitter, Facebook, SMS, smartphone app...


Recent QH tweets